
Daripada Mu’awiyah RA berkata: Rasulullah SAW bersabda : “Sesiapa yang dikehendaki oleh Allah untuk memperoleh kebaikan, maka Allah membuat ia menjadi pandai dalam hal keagamaan.”

وَإِنْ تَعُدُّوْا نِعْمَةَ اللهِ لاَ تُحْصُوْهَا
Wa in ta’udduu nikmatallah la tuhsuuhaa
"Dan sekiranya kamu menghitung nikmat Allah, nescaya kamu tidak akan dapat mengiranya (kerana terlalu banyak)"

أَنْزَلَ اللهُ القُرْآنَ لِلنَّاس
An zalallahul quraan linnas
"Allah menurunkan Al-Quran kepada manusia"

Monday, March 11, 2013

Morning - Monday Blues

Assalamualaikum WBT, Alhamdulillah.. kite berjumpe lagi !! (^_~)

Every morning has a new beginning, 
a new blessing, a new hope. 
It's a perfect day because it's Allah's gift. 
Have a blessed, hopeful, perfect day to begin with.

Life is like a roller coaster. You get on. Sometimes the hills are high sometimes there low. Sometimes they twist and make you sick, sometimes they flip you upside down. But as soon as you get off, it doesn't matter whether you got sick or you loved the ride. What matters is that your alive, and that's better then anything you've ever survived.

There are 3 types of days in your life
1. Good days give you happiness
2. Bad Days give you experience
3. Worst Days give you a lesson.

When there is truth in your being, 
Allah is always with you. 
When Allah is with you, 
there is no question of failure. 
Live your truth and not a life that others want you to live.

(^_~) Monolog Cermin Hati >>>>
Live life, make mistakes, learn lessons, but ALWAYS keep moving forward!


  1. Assalamualaikum Nisah...Klik2 Nuff utk Nisah.. Moga hari ini lebih baik dari semalam..

  2. as salam....asal monday je..bluess.....semoga hari ini lebih baik dr smalam ya.. follow me back ya

  3. wah..nisah speaking london..kak zu faham tak faham jer nih...hehe

  4. salam k.nisah sayammm..
    cma baru bertandang ni.. huhu..semlm EL x g kje coz hubby demam..

    betul tu kak..
    asalkan kita mendapat rahmat allah..insyallah.. kita akan sentiasa dekat padanya...

    erkk..tuesday blues blh tak?? plssssss... :P

  5. Hi Nisah...
    Monday Blues lagi ker dah selasa ni? hehe... setiap kejadian yg berlaku pasti akan ada hikmah disebalik nya..:)

  6. hai,..mg hr selasa ini penuh ceria...


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terima kasih ye tinggalkan komen (^_~)
InsyaAllah, akan menyusuri jejak anda.
Take Care Beware Any Where !!