
Daripada Mu’awiyah RA berkata: Rasulullah SAW bersabda : “Sesiapa yang dikehendaki oleh Allah untuk memperoleh kebaikan, maka Allah membuat ia menjadi pandai dalam hal keagamaan.”

وَإِنْ تَعُدُّوْا نِعْمَةَ اللهِ لاَ تُحْصُوْهَا
Wa in ta’udduu nikmatallah la tuhsuuhaa
"Dan sekiranya kamu menghitung nikmat Allah, nescaya kamu tidak akan dapat mengiranya (kerana terlalu banyak)"

أَنْزَلَ اللهُ القُرْآنَ لِلنَّاس
An zalallahul quraan linnas
"Allah menurunkan Al-Quran kepada manusia"

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mine Celebration - 30th

Dengan Lafaz ..... 
Assalamualaikum WBT. ... >> Alhamdulillah .. kita berjumpa lagi !! (^_~) . semoga apa yang di lalui ketika ini, lebih baik dari semalam.... InsyaAllah ...

a few days ago, I have completed the age of 30 years old.  in a short time passed, I have shifted into 3 series. It's okay, it's just numbers (ayat untuk sedapkan hati je) hehehhee. I hope that I can be better and better. (Nisah doakan anda juga begitu) Amin..

in conjunction with that, my enche hubby was celebrating my birth. without a big banquet. did not celebrate in 5 star hotels. nope. enough to greeting me with the full honesty. thank you for being my  enche hubby who has accepted my all my deficiency during our relationships. Alhamdulillah Ya Allah, for giving me the breath to breathe the air of this beautiful. My life is almost perfect balance. Thanks to Mak  & my late Ayah who raised me up to this day. strengthen me when I was sitting weak, supported me when I was lying exhausted. who can afford to replace their place? Mak & Ibu, thank you for the good  Doa for me. Without Doa you guys, I did not persevere today. I was able to smile because there are individuals who are always at my side.

as I told you, we celebrate in typical restaurants. witnessing a beautiful night, we executed dinner at Pappa Rich, Langkawi. (Pappa Rich more and more) hehhee. makan , pergi sampai dah jemu . 

although simple, but it is quite meaningful to us. Celebration anywhere as long as it is perfected i'd give meaning and beautiful memories.

(^_~) Monolog Cermin Hati >>>> 
in this increasing age, 
I really hope that Allah gives me the strength and perseverance. 
My Doa that at this age become better and better. 
Doa  for me.


  1. selamat ulang tahun..hehe
    Dah telewat ucap ni.hehe

  2. Selamat Hari Ulangtahun Nisah!
    Semoga dipanjangkan umur,dimurahkan rezeki dan berbahagia selalu di samping suami tersayang.
    Nisah, akak dpt baca suku je entry psl akak,lepas click terus takde entry tu.mengapakah?

  3. Selamat ulangtahun nisah..:))
    x kisah di mana pon tapi yg penting ikhlas dr yg tersayang kan..
    cayang nisah comel n..hehe

  4. Happy belated besday Nisah..wish all ur dream come true... Tak pernah mkn kat situ Lagi..best yek makanan situ

  5. Kakak takes this opportunity to wish you happy birthday. May all the du'a will comes true.
    Enjoying the dinner is good enough rather than spent so much money and effort just to fill few stomachs. And the most important things is your dearest specially made this for you:)

  6. alhamdulillah, selamat hari lahir..sedapnya menu2 dia :)

  7. hepi belated bufday sis.. semoga pjg umur dan dimurhkn rezki.. In Shaa Allah.. amin... nampak sedap.. terliur nie... mujur tak bukak siang tadi.. lau tak bukak puasa nk cari paparich gak.. hehehe..

  8. Selamat hari ulang tahun nisah///moga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezqi...

  9. Happy birthday Nisah... may all your dreams came true :)
    welcome to 30 series... but, don't worry.. it just a number (kalau nisah rasa tua, saya pun lagi tua tau... hihihi)

  10. Salam K.Nisah tomey...
    Oh My.. i really dont now that it was your birthday.. -konon nk spekang...halalkan tatabahasanye tu-

    To My Dear Kak Nisah Yg Baik Hati..
    Sanah Helwah buat akak tersayang...
    Semoga doa2 di angkat kelangit dan berbahagia hendaknya...
    jelessss ai.. 30 is just a number.. me oso going to turn 30.. muahaha...

    lebiu ketat ketat dan ketat


Welcome To Teratak Chenta Nisah Idham
terima kasih ye tinggalkan komen (^_~)
InsyaAllah, akan menyusuri jejak anda.
Take Care Beware Any Where !!